Sports Calendar

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Class of 2024 Robing Ceremony

Attention Parents and Students!

FAFSA flyer


Dear Parents and Community,

This morning Hatch Valley High School was informed by an anonymous tip that there was a weapon in a vehicle located on the HVHS campus. HVHS administration acted quickly along with the SRO and the Hatch Police Department to locate the weapon.  A pellet gun rifle was found and confiscated.  Hatch Valley Public Schools has a zero-tolerance policy for weapons of any kind.  Per the HVHS student code of conduct any weapons or serious criminal activity that is found on campus will result in an automatic suspension up to long-term suspension along with an SRO referral. 

Please discuss this incident with your children it is against the law to bring weapons of any type to school. Also, please emphasize the importance of reporting any weapons or acts of violence immediately. In this way, we are all working together to keep our school safe.  Safety is our number one priority.  Please know that all reports will be taken seriously.

If you have any questions, please contact the school at (575)267-8230 or email me at

Thank you,

Brandy Holguin

HVHS Principal


Estimados padres y comunidad,


Esta mañana, una denuncia anónima informó a la escuela secundaria Hatch Valley que había un arma en un vehículo ubicado en las instalaciones de HVHS. La administración de HVHS actuó rápidamente junto con el (oficial de recursos escolares) SRO y el Departamento de Policía de Hatch para localizar el arma. Se encontró y decomisó un rifle de perdigones. Las Escuelas Públicas de Hatch Valley tienen una política de cero tolerancia para armas de cualquier tipo.Según el código de conducta estudiantil de HVHS, cualquier arma o actividad criminal grave que se encuentre en el campus resultará en una suspensión automática hasta una suspensión a largo plazo junto con una remisión a la SRO.


Por favor, hable sobre este incidente con sus hijos: es ilegal traer armas de cualquier tipo a la escuela. Además, enfatice la importancia de denunciar cualquier arma o acto de violencia de inmediato. De esta manera, todos estamos trabajando juntos para mantener nuestra escuela segura. La seguridad es nuestra prioridad número uno. Tenga en cuenta que todos los informes se tomarán en serio.


Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con la escuela al (575)267-8230 o envíeme un correo electrónico a




Brandy Holguín

Directora de HVHS

IDEA B Speacial Education Parent Budget Meetings





If your student still needs a Chromebook please contact the school they will be attending. Hatch High School: 267-8230, Hatch Middle School: 267-8250, Hatch Elementary: 267-8270, Rio Grande Elementary: 267-8260, Garfield Elementary: 267-8280.


Si su estudiante aún necesita un Chromebook, comuníquese con la escuela a la que asistirá. Hatch High School: 267-8230, Hatch Middle School: 267-8250, Hatch Elementary: 267-8270, Rio Grande Elementary: 267-8260, Garfield Elementary: 267-8280.


HVHS 21st Century Flyer Fall 2020

District News

District Mask Mandate Spanish
¡Actualización de la máscara de la escuela del distrito!

District Mask Mandate Spanish

Fri Feb 25 01:42 PM

District Mask Mandate Update
District School Mask Update!

Attention HVPS Bear Families and Community!

Fri Feb 25 01:40 PM

Covid-19 testing
Hatch Valley High School News

In light of what has happened at Hatch Valley High School, Students are encouraged to test for COVID-19. YOU CAN TEST FREE FOR COVID-19 IN THE COMFORT OF YOUR OWN HOME. You can order a test kit that will be delivered to your home. With the assistance of a representative using ZOOM, a saliva specimen will be collected. Upon completion, the specimen will need to be returned to the testing company using UPS. When you receive the results, they will need to be emailed to The test kit can be obtained from:

Fri Feb 25 01:24 PM

District Calendar

High School News

District Mask Mandate Spanish
¡Actualización de la máscara de la escuela del distrito!

District Mask Mandate Spanish

Fri Feb 25 12:42 PM

District Mask Mandate Update
District School Mask Update!

Attention HVPS Bear Families and Community!

Fri Feb 25 12:40 PM


Senior class
Update for Senior Graduation Announcements from Herff Jones.

Once Hatch Valley High School has made the announcement of when the 2020 Graduation Ceremony will be held, Herff Jones will provide a link to print out an insert with the New Graduation Ceremony date, to be added to your Graduation Announcements. For further information please contact Herff Jones at (915) 593-5777 or

Thu May 07 07:29 AM

District News and Calendar